A downloadable project

Also check out the NPM package page: https://www.npmjs.com/package/foundry-magic-l10n


What is this, exactly?

This CLI tool allows you, a module or system developer, to generate 10 different localization files in the FoundryVTT "language file" format. This utilizes AWS Translate - a "fluent and accurate machine translation" engine. It takes your base English translations, and converts them into language files for you to download and include in your own modules and systems.


$ npm install -g foundry-magic-l10n 

This will install the tool on your computer globally.


  1. Run foundry-magic-l10n run <your_manifest_url_here>. This must be a direct URL to the manifest file itself, and must be publicly accessible on the internet.
  2. Your job has now been started! Check up on the processing time of the job by running foundry-magic-l10n list. Jobs usually take around 15 - 20 minutes to complete.
  3. Once completed, when you run foundry-magic-l10n list you should see COMPLETED associated to your job, and a download URL. Inside the downloaded zip file is a README which explains the next steps.

Supported Languages

We are currently limited to a specific subset of supported FoundryVTT community translations. We're working to expand this with increasing our AWS Quota limits.

  • Arabic (ar)
  • Chinese (Simplified) (cn)
  • French (fr)
  • German (de)
  • Italian (it)
  • Japanese (ja)
  • Korean (ko)
  • Portuguese (pt-BR)
  • Russian (ru)
  • Spanish (es)

Future Supported Languages

Once our quota limits are increased...

  • Chinese (Traditional)
  • Czech
  • Finnish
  • Polish
  • Swedish

Known Limitations

  • Only ONE individual can be running translation jobs at one time. We're aware this is an insane limitation, and we're working on getting the quota limits increased. 🙈 Sorry! You're welcome to try running the run command and seeing if the service is currently available for you.
  • Jobs take 15 - 20 minutes to run - just how AWS Translate's batch processing works, even for smaller amounts of text
  • Only a subset of languages (see above)


  • What is the "Foundry Magic L10n Service"?
    • Also built by myself, it's a AWS-powered service to execute the heavy lifting of marshaling the module files, translating them, creating the downloads, etc. This tool interacts with that service,
  • Is this a complete replacement for human-translated strings?
    • Nope - AWS Translate is really good, but there will always be things that a human will translate better than a machine.
  • How "good" are the translations? Can I trust them to make sense to native speakers?
  • Will this generate files for existing translations / language files I have within my module?
    • Yes it will - it will generate all the supported languages. This is helpful if you already have translation files but they do not contain all the new strings added to the en language. It is still up to you to copy over the relevant new strings.
  • I got an error or found a bug, where do I report it?
    • Please add an issue here. Thanks!